Saturday, 30 March 2013

summeresque vintage


If I can't have good weather, then I'm gonna have it come to me! And by that, I mean I'm going to dress as if it is somewhat pleasant outside and be forever in denial of the cold, horrible weather we've been having to endure lately. However, the sun did make an appearance throughout various point of the day, which I am grateful for. Still had to wear my big coat and woollies though!

Also, I had said that I was going to post some of my latest eBay finds, and here we are. I bought this top for a grand total of £1.04 (not including postage), which is great considering it's Topshop! I swear most of the Topshop items in my wardrobe have been acquired through eBay where you can get them for an absolutely steal. I'm really into crop tops lately, so this little floraly number is perfect. Paired up with these Levi shorts I bought from a vintage shop, it gives this outfit a nice summery feel -  even if the weather doesn't reflect it!

In other news - I've started vlogging! Making YouTube videos is something I've wanted to do for a while, and since this year has become all about new challenges, I've finally decided to go for it. Let me know what you think :)

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Spring is... here?


The weather at the moment is really quite atrocious... I mean, it's supposed to be spring, and what do we get? Incessant snow! Is it really too much to ask for a little bit of sunshine and greenery on the trees? Apparently so. But I'm not letting this glum weather get me down, I'm dressing for the season (spring, that is, which I constantly have to keep reminding myself...)

I've recently fallen back in love with eBay, and have been spending a lot of my free time browsing through the endless bargains. I've even got the eBay app on my phone for window shopping on the go! This little heart patterned playsuit was recently purchased from an eBay shop and I'm so in love with it.  It's so cute and girly, and I love that it's navy blue - one of my favourite colours. I love being able to dress feminine without resorting to traditional 'girly' colours. The fluffy boots are oldies but goodies, a staple for my feet in the colder months.

I've got some exciting plans for this blog in the very near future, so stay tuned for that, and also for a couple more of my favourite eBay finds!

 My 'unimpressed with the snow' faces

Monday, 25 March 2013

Personal Growth, SHU Drama and Oedipus The King.

I've been absent for a while, for which I can only apologise. But I can explain, in a blog post that is slightly different from others I have done in the past. So here goes.

The last couple of months have probably been the most important in my life thus far in terms of self growth and development. I have learned a lot about myself, what I am capable of, and really come into my own.

Last semester, at the start of my second year of university, I decided to join my university's drama society, SHU Drama. I had a rough first year, for many reasons I won't get into, and I needed a different atmosphere and a place to meet new people and make new friends. To most people, my decision to join Drama was an odd one, which is understandable what with my quiet demeanour and generally reserved personality. But my intention wasn't necessarily to be in a play, I was more than happy to help out backstage for the productions and do front of house on show nights. I did audition for one of the plays, the Brothers' Grimm Spectacularthon, just to put myself out there, but I can't say I did terribly well, even for a first try!

I didn't let the shambles that was my first ever audition hold me back though, because in the new year I auditioned for one of the next lot of plays SHU Drama were putting on: Oedipus The King. Well, I say I didn't hold back, but in actual fact, I almost didn't audition at all. Even though one of my New Year's resolutions was to put myself out there and take risks, I let my inner demons and crippling self-doubt almost stop me from doing what I really wanted to do. But with encouragement from my friends, I put them behind me and took the leap.

And it all worked out, because not only was I cast in the play, I was given the lead female role, Jocasta, wife and unknowing mother of Oedipus. As someone who hasn't been in a play since primary school (Icicle Jack, written by my Year 4 teacher, in which I was Icicle #5), it was surreal for me to be given a principle role. But mostly it was really nice having other people believe in me when I didn't quite believe in myself. I knew from the onset that it was going to be a challenging experience, learning lines, adjusting to the language, getting my queues right... and, well, acting full stop.

But, oh, it was so worth it. The last two months have been the best I've had in a really, really long time and it really has set the bar high for the rest of my year. It's been demanding, what with our restricted seven-week time frame from the first read through of the script to the first performance, but it's been a blast. Our cast and production team has been a small one, which has allowed us to become so incredibly close, making our 2 - 3 rehearsals a week (and 4 - 5 in the last couple of weeks before the show) a pleasure to attend. We have all become such good friends and shared many laughs. Who knew Greek tragedy could be so fun!

The fact that we had fun wasn't the most rewarding aspect of this experience though. What I've taken from this whole thing is just what I am capable of achieving. At the start of the process, I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to take to my lines and learn them all before the show. I was extremely intimidated by my talented peers, and was afraid that inexperienced little ol' me wouldn't perform as strongly in comparison. But I really shouldn't have feared, I had such a great support system around me, from both my directors and my fellow cast members. And knowing that they were all there for me, that they believed in me, and the blind fear of the prospect of letting them down, really helped me excel to my full potential.

I'm sad that's it's all over, but the hard work paid off. I got such great feedback and read a couple of wonderful reviews about my performance, and everyone seemed genuinely surprised whenever I mentioned that this was my first time trying my hand at acting. But like I've said before, I couldn't have done it without the support from my wonderful friends.

Joining SHU Drama has definitely been one of the best decisions I've ever made. Though the society is huge, it doesn't lack the sense of community. I have never been so accepted by such a big group of people in all my life, and it feels so nice. I have made some of my best friends through this society and really came into my own as a person. And I can't thank those crazy lot enough for it.